Random Cerebral Expressions

Friday, April 27, 2018

A Walk in the Park

A walk in the park
If you count the number people in any one of the parks in Bangalore, or for that matter any other major city, the number has increased over the period of time. People are taking seriously, what the doctors are saying about physical fitness; including the doctors themselves.

Among many ailments Diabetes Mellitus seems to be an imperative cause for putting the body in physical motion.  The incidence of diabetes has increased equally in the rural and urban.  Recent studies show prevalence of diabetes about 30-50% in adults. Reports from the health ministry show that the lifestyle diseases are rampant in Bangalore and Chennai. In Bangalore, 14% and 21% people are suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure.

Burning our calories, keeping a light body weight and being agile is the order of the day and parks are best places to vent it off.  We find a mixture of age groups; from young to old, plenty of men and women groups who meet at a particular time.  Some don’t walk, but sit around and chat and sometimes gossip. There are lovers too, in some isolated areas carrying on their talk to their dreams end. School holidays show more youngsters on the gym and music areas, and we will see some of the adults on the swings meant for the young ones.

The aroma and the fragrance of the plants and whole environment is beautiful, especially earlier in the mornings and late evening. The BBMP and other administrative officials have done a good in their local areas. Solar lighting in some places is illuminating the parks well. Of course, there will always be a need to do more.

Resuming my walk after a long time at various parks around town, I found the conversations of ‘fellow walking people’ similar. Apparently worldly problems are similar during my walking hours of 6.30 to 8.00 pm. People generally discussed and sometime more vociferously are subjects, in order of priority are:  property issues & real estate, family issues, legal disputes, food topics.  If walking alone, generally people are talking on the cell phone, listening to music.   Very few are in meditative moods, silent or enjoying the ‘actual walk’ in the present. But to live in the present moment wisely and sincerely, would help us to reduce stress which we should learn to enjoy more often.


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