Hot March
March is 'a hot' month weather wise – Exam wise, combined with ‘tax write off’ purchases. Temperatures are getting warmer, and suddenly you get a shower or two, which settles down the dust. All moms are busy with their kid’s exams and tension is up. I can see this written all over on mothers who have school going children. In the middle of all this there is the ‘Shivarathiri’ and Holi. The ceiling fans, which were not in service for over 3 / 4 months come squeaking, back to life. Portable fans and coolers find their respective places strategically aimed. I hear “he is still playing a lot”, “he is not concentrating”, complaints against “she is studying very hard”, “she wants to become a doctor”. The whiz of air conditioners in bedrooms lull tired Bengalureans to sleep after a hard day’s work; summer is creping in.
Amidst all of this the newspapers are screaming with advertisements asking you to make those last minute purchases as the financial year comes to a close on 31st. Cars, washing machines, computers, printers, what have you, everything is on a bargain sale. It’s now or never ! Next year it’s going to cost you more !!
Historically, one is reminded of the expression ‘Ides of March’, a soothsayers warning to Julius Caesar. The word ‘ides’ comes from a Latin word that means, "to divide": The ‘ides’ were simply the middle of the month. In the Roman calendar, the Ides of March fell on the 15th day of the Roman month of Martius. The date is famous because Julius Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March 44 BC.
‘Chandramana Ugadi’, New Year for many is celebrated on 30th March.
So here is wishing all those celebrating, “A Very Happy New Year”.