Happy New Year
Finally the New Year 2006.... The tempo and the anxiousness of people could be seen from the past two weeks. Shopping lists, travel itineraries, are they more relieved now ?
It's the same every year and then comes the clichés, “already 3 months over”, “already we are in September ” etc. 'Time and Tide waits for now man' (women included)
Human beings, all of us, have a 'thing' about beginnings, we can't help celebrating. Celebrating in all ways possible around the world. Usually, people around the world are celebrating different events at different times, and relevant only in those parts or groups.
Perhaps Jan 01 is one single day, where people all over celebrate with the same fervor. Everybody means well to everyone else on this single day. Wishing a happy New Year even to strangers.
The present Gregorian calendar, which has a history of its own, is universal in all educational and business worlds. Though many countries and religions have their own almanac of some kind, when it comes to a global situation, it is the Gregorian calendar we are dealing with and with no special religious connotations.
Hence, in my opinion, Jan 01 is the most unifying day.
What ever you did on 31/01,

Here is wishing you
All the best for the next 365 days !
Have a lot of Peace and Happiness.